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Can I include a YouTube video in an email or is Bombbomb the only way?

Q: Are we able to include a YouTube video in email or do we have to use BombBomb?

A:  You can create an image of the youtube video and send a link to it now (if you insert straight youtube video, Gmail and others will strip it). Personally, I think BombBomb is a nice touch. It's a far more convenient process.

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    Angel Drinkwine

    Hello, I was searching this topic as well. I am not sure I understand the answer. Are you stating to take a screenshot of the video and then link it?

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    Maxwell Ventura

    Mark, BombBomb also costs an extra $50 a month. If we have built out a youtube page, I think it would be nice to have an embed feature within Realvolve's email capabilities.

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