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Will I receive a notification when someone unsubscribes from an email?

Q: If someone unsubscribes from a Realvolve marketing email do we get any type of notification?

A: Yes, the "notification" bell should show a new message and you can click on the bell to see the name.


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    Devin Jensen

    what about if they did it on accident

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    Gary Hall

    Have them go back to that email and click on the Unsubscribe Link. They will then have the option to change their subscription settings.

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    Bradley Call

    Good morning Gary, can you tell me how I can get a "list" of those who've unsubscribed? Or, better yet, will the system automatically prevent me from sending another blast type email to those who've unsubscribed?

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    Gary Hall

    There is no list, but they will not receive any more Promotional/Marketing emails from our system. They can still get "Transactional" emails though.

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    Meagan Henry

    Is there a quick place in the contact record where we can see if they've unsubscribed in the past? Without having to scroll through all the emails to look for an "unsubscribe"

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    Gary Hall

    Meagan - There is not but we have plans to add that at some point. No ETA.

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    Andrew Plank

    I'd love to see the system tag contacts as "Unsubscribed - Marketing" or similar. Pruning the database is much easier when I know who's not receiving communications.

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    Meagan Henry

    I agree - especially when we also send emails out of another platform, like mailchimp. We need to make sure when someone unsubscribes from realvolve, we also unsubscribe them from other places, it's difficult now to do that.

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    Lisa Gowder

    Is there a way to mark someone to never be contacted in any way (transactional or marketing)? We're almost inclined to totally remove the contact, but would like to have a record of any activity.

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    Gary Hall

    To stop a contact from receiving any group communications such as blast emails (versus individual emails), go to the Contact Tab, Record Details, Active Contact and change it to No.

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    Lisa Gowder

    Thanks, Gary. To test, I unsubscribed a test contact by sending a marketing email and unsubscribing. I then received the following message in my browser, "Opt out successful. Marketing. This is any email that is used for marketing purposes".

    I then went back to the contact record, but the contact's "Active Contact" status is still set to "Yes". What takes place in the contact record when someone unsubscribes?

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    Gary Hall

    Lisa - There is no field/indication in the Contact record when someone unsubscribes. The Active Contact status is something you do manually to stop future blast emails to that person. When someone unsubscribes, our email server unsubscribes them and it's noted in there so they won't get future Marketing emails.

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    Lisa Gowder

    Can we set it up so that we get an email for whenever someone unsubscribes? I'm afraid the pop-up messages will be missed. This will prompt us to go into their contact record and manually set them to inactive.

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    Gary Hall

    You don't need to change them to inactive. If someone unsubscribes, they will no longer get marketing emails automatically.

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    Ryan Robinson

    Hi Gary. Following this thread, have any updates been made? I am looking to purge my contacts by sending out some mass marketing emails. But my goal is to delete those contacts that unsubscribe. Is there a way to automate that? Thank you.

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    Gary Hall

    We are more than happy to have you doing blast emails to your "opted in" contacts. By that I mean a clean list with people who have acknowledged that they want to receive emails from you and that are known good email addresses to which you have already been sending emails consistently recently. What we do not allow is to use Realvolve to "clean" your database. With contacts who have not opted in or with old or untested email addresses you'll need to use a third party. Doing blast emails to a database who are not opted-in would damage our email reputation and cause servers to start blacklisting us. Our email server will alert us when this is being done. That would result in emails bouncing for all of our users which we can not have. Once you have cleaned up your database and established that they welcome email from you, then it will be fine to use Realvolve for it. OK?

    Edited by Gary Hall
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    Rachel Davenport

    Hi Gary,

    We've had problems with people unsubscribing to one email, deleting the email, and when we ask them to resubscribe they can't/won't find the email they unsubscribed from and are asking us to sign them back up. It happens about once a month. Is there a way for us to manually add them back or remove them from the unsubscribe list on the back end?


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    Gary Hall

    I've created a Support Ticket for you Rachel. We'll get them back for you.

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    Robert Jory

    I agree with Gary Hall's post above dated Feb 23, 2017 over a year ago. What we don't have is a good way of cleaning up our databases of bounced and dropped records. I also read a post from 2016 about adding an unsubscribe status. When is that going to be done? We need a way to list all these people that I know have unsubscribed or bounced separately and then simply click by there name to make them either inactive or delete them. I tried doing this from my dashboard with an email campaign that was sent out. I could see notes with dropped status but you can't simply click on that person and delete them. You click on a contact name and then delete their name that comes up on the left side. But then in order to get back to the notes you were reviewing, it could take hundreds of clicks of scrolling through the notes depending on how long your list is. We need a better solution if you want us to keep our lists clean and up to date

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    Gary Hall

    We're going through a period of evaluation with regards to bulk emails Robert. Too many people do not understand what "cleaning" your database is so we need to come up with a solution. I'm not sure what will come out of it yet but tools to help is certainly part of it. Apologies for not having more sooner.

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    Scott Kimball

    If you send emails by Realvolve templates, I was told you can go to that template the next day and click on "Template Usage Stats" and it will tell you all the emails addresses (in list format) that dropped and bounced. I checked and this functionality works.

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    Terry Yonker

    try using 'full contact' its 10 bucks a month and removes bad emails, looks for contact data, etc. does what our VAs were doing manually.. now this doesn't deal with the never opted in issue, but it will prune without fouling up Gary's email servers..

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    Robert Jory

    I need to remove all my unsubscribed emails from my exports. Not being able to do this is creating a legal problem. If this is not a feature yet then I need support to manually do it.

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    Chris F Campbell

    I'd like to remove everyone from my contracts that unsubscribes. Can I have support do that for me?

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    Carissa Cleveland

    Has this ever been resolved? Do we have a way to see a list of unsubscribes, so that we can be compliant as we communicate to our prospects and clients through other platforms?

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    Karen Picarello-PC

    I am working on my database that is in the process of being transferred to Realvolv. My old database had a little red x by the email logo. Can this be added to Realvolve. I have read this string, and want to know if it already has been fixed. I have not been paying attention as I correct information on my contacts to note if they have unsubscribed or not. There should be something in the top of the contact to tell us if they have unsubscribed. Also there should be a place where we can unsubscribe them. Sometimes they just email me to take them off of the list.
    I sure would like to see progress on this.

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