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Dashboard Widgets


Dashboard Widgets



YTD Volume & Commission

In order for commissions to display accurately the following conditions need to be met:

  1. It must be a Transaction with status of Closed in the current year
  2. The agent must be identified as the Buyer’s or Seller’s agent in the People Tab
  3. The agent identified must be the Linked Contact in Settings, Users and Permissions
  4. The numbers should display in 5 minutes or less but can take a little longer sometimes
  5. The commission shown is the Gross Commission less referrals, not the Net
  6. You can only see the stats for the person who is logged in
  7. Many significant additions are in the works!

The Volume/Commission Pipeline is comprised of:

  • Potential (Active + Pre-Listing Properties)
  • Pending = Actual Status = Pending Transactions
  • Closed = Actual Status = Closed Transactions

 Predicted Transactions and revenue Widget:

  • Predicted Transactions and Revenue are a combination of the rFactor of your contacts, and your past transactions. It is a scientific guesstimate using our industry unique analytics to show you how much business you might hope to do based on those factors. It does not display any of your actual production numbers or any combination of your existing listings and sales. 
  • There is nothing you can do to change or influence them in any direct way because they do not represent any actual statistics.

Contacts and rFactor:

The number of contacts and rFactor displayed here represents only those Contacts who have a Status and Stage in the Contact record in the Contact Tab.


Also, take a look at this article for info on the Team Reporting Widget!

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    Anslie Stokes

    I am a team leader and the dashboard widget is largely useless without aggregating the data for the whole team. Is there anyway to set it so that I can show just myself and/or the full team? Is there anywhere else that quickly shows YTD data for the whole team?

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    Gary Hall

    Hi Anslie - We can not do that currently but it is coming. No ETA yet.

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    Renee Sales

    any update on team data? It's 5months later. . .

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    Gary Hall

    Hi Renee! Yes! We added it last month - here you go -

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    Dewi Fairclough

    How do I delete team reporting Widget from Dashboard?

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    Gary Hall

    To delete them you want to go to the top right and slide the button to the left to Unlock the widgets. then you can hover over a widget and see the X to delete it.

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