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How can I forward an email to a Contact, Property, or Transaction record?


Q: Is there a way to forward an email to a contact or transaction page?
A: Yes - each contact, property and transaction has a "dropbox" email address - this address is located on the (i) button next to the contact name or property/transaction Address - when you click on that (i) button it copies the dropbox email address to your clipboard to use as you need. when someone emails to that dropbox email address the email goes to that contact, property or transaction and any attachments go into the "files" tab of that record.


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    Kyle Pettit

    This (i) is not displayed from a mobile device. Is there a way to complete the same task, from a mobile device? (iPad/IPhone)

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    Gary Hall

    Currently no but our Mobile version for iPhone is due out soon and will have that.

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