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How To Install the Monthly Newsletter

If you subscribe to our monthly newsletter, you will receive an email from us (usually between the 15th and 18th of each month) providing you the install code. The email containing the code will look like this:


Once you receive your Newsletter Install Code, go to your Realvolve Workflows page, and Click the + button. You should get a box pop-up asking whether you want to create a new workflow, or add a workflow from the library. Select the "Add workflows from the library" button, and select Continue.Screen_Shot_2021-01-27_at_4.01.41_PM.png


The next page will pull up all of the workflows we have in the library, navigate to the current month's newsletter and select Install Package. Enter the code you received from the email into the box and select install.



The template usually installs within minutes into your account and then will be available to edit.

Tip: We recommend making a copy of the original prior to editing. This is a safety measure in case you make some mistakes when customizing.

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    Laurie Carrigan

    Can I see a past example of what articles are included in the newsletter package?

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    Travis Delzell

    Same sentiment as Laurie, could we get some past examples of articles included?

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    Carla Young

    Where in your account can you see the newsletter?

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