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How to Setup a Mass Email in a Workflow

There are many times when you want a mass email to go out as part of a Workflow. Maybe you've got a specific email to go out to some specific party members as part of a Transaction or Property. Maybe you want a specific tag to receive an email each time an activity is completed. This article is going to describe how to do this! 

The first thing you're going to want to do is author the template you're wanting to send out as part of the Workflow. 

Click the Templates tab at the top of the screen and select New Template and then Author a new Template.



Once you've named the template and given it a subject and selected the appropriate "Use With" you're ready to get to the workflow.

       *Note: Make sure your "Use With" on the template matches that on the Workflow you're wanting to add it to. Contact - > Contact, and so on.

Next, you'll want to go to the Workflow you'd like to set up the Mass Email on. Click the Workflows tab at the top of the screen and select the Workflow you want to use in the list on the left hand side or create a new one! Again, make sure the Use With is set correctly.

Then... add your new activity by clicking the blue bar at the bottom.


The Recipients are designated by who is in the "With" field within the Activity. Click the "Pick the interested parties" box next to With and select "Tagged with any of" and insert the tag you'd like to receive the email! 



This is very similar in a Property/Transaction workflow but they will also have the "Party Member" slot where you can choose Buyer, Seller, Transaction Coordinator, Etc.


The next part is where you determine how the email is going to work and what it's going to be! 
This is set up in the Action of the Activity.

1. Start by clicking "Create Actions...

2. Add a Title

3. Select how you will send the Message. 

  • Automatically: Goes out as soon as the Activity is due
  • Immediately: Goes out as soon as the Workflow is started
  • Manually: You must check the activity complete in order for it to send the email.

4. Select "Send an Email Message"

5. Choose the template you want to be sent.

* The little paper icon next to this option allows you to preview this template! *




Select Save in the Action and make sure to select "Add" at the bottom of the Activity. 

Your Workflow is ready!!

Start your workflow on ONE Property, Transaction, or Contact. 

Disclaimer: It is very very important to keep in mind that each time this activity triggers it will send out a Mass Email. I often see Realvolvers start a workflow on multiple contacts with a Mass email set up within the Workflow. Each time this Activity completes on any of those contacts it sends the mass email out again! If you start it on 40 people... that's 40 TIMES that mass email is going out. So be very careful with this! Make sure you start it once if you are sending to a specific tagged group. 

Keep Realvolvin' Guys! 


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