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How to Set up an Email Parser for Zapier Lead Integration

Zapier is an integration Monster... in a good way. Over 1500 companies use Zapier to integrate with other companies through the use of their "Trigger" and "Action" system. One Program will have a "trigger" such as adding a new contact. Zapier will initiate an "Action" like adding that contact to another program! 
Pretty cool stuff! This means that fields such as First name and Mobile Phone number go from one program to the corresponding fields in another program. This works really well with programs like Zillow, Mailchimp, facebook ads, and many more! 

The issue comes into play when you want to integrate with a program that doesn't integrate with Zapier.

That's where a parser comes in! is one of those lead generators that doesn't have a Zapier integration but it does send out a Formatted email with the information from the Lead you just got. That's all we need. 

Zapier can parse out that information from the Lead Email and import that information into another system such as Realvolve! Let me show you how.

1. Set up a Parser Email Box. This is the robot that will cut that information out of the email but first, you need to show it how. 

Start by going to and login to an existing account you have or register for a new one. 

And you'll want to Create a Mailbox


The MailBox is where you will send the emails to be "parsed" or broken out into usable fields. Creating a "Mailbox" will create a randomized email address that you can change. It may look something like,

This is the email address you will forward those lead emails to.

2. Send an email to this address to set up the Parser Template. You must first teach the parser robot how to cut the import fields out of the lead email. So, lets say we get one from a Wufoo online form and it looks like this,

Name: Frank Sinatra
Email: (
Phone Number: (555)-123-3456
This email notification is powered by Wufoo, the free online form builder. Make your own HTML forms for free at ( Get Started!

Forward this email to your Parser Mailbox. 
Wait for the Email to come in and click "View Emails" for that mailbox.
You should see the email that came in and click "Template" and "Click here!"


From this screen you can change the email address name for the mail box (must be all lowercase) as well as start templating out the lead email. Just highlight the content of the field and name it something you'll recognize. This will be important later.


Do this for all the fields you can.


Map out the whole template and click "Save Address and Template" at the bottom.

Now for the easy part...
3. Go to and login or create a new account if you don't have one.
Click on the "Make a new Zap" button.
Under the Trigger or "When this happens..." section, select "Email Parser by Zapier" and select "New Email" for trigger event.

Choose your Email Parser Account for Zapier to connect with.


Choose the mailbox you just made


Test to make sure the data is pulling correctly and move on to the Action or "Do This..." part of the Zap. The part that works with Realvolve. :) 


Choose Action Event should be "Create Contact".
Choose your Realvolve account.

You've reached the final step...
4. Map the fields in Zapier. All the fields you selected to pull out of the lead email, you'll now map to a real contact in Realvolve.Screenshot_092519_014943_PM.jpg


Do this for all the fields you want to work with and hit "Continue" and then "Test & Continue". 

You're done! A test contact should have been sent into Realvolve.

Things to Check:
1. Make sure that email forwarding is set up so those leads are going into the Parser Mailbox. You can do this through Google if the emails are going there or you can do it in the settings of the Lead source itself such as Wufu or
2. Make sure the Zap is turned on! 

I hope this helps! Let us know if you run into any trouble. 

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