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"Wrap it up!" after the call...



The “Wrap it up!” screen on the Realvolve mobile app displays after completing a phone call with a contact.  The purpose of the screen is to log the call by updating the “Last Call Date” on a successful outcome and adding personalized notes as well as assigning follow-up activities and/or starting workflows.  

Screen Layout - Top Section

  1. Cancel the screen without any information about the call being saved.
  2. Displays the contact recently called.
  3. Saves any information entered on the screen.


Screen Layout - Main Body

  1. By default, “Update Last Call Date?” is turned ON which automatically updates the “Last Call Date” of the contact.  Turning this option OFF will skip the date assignment.
  2. Enter any notes about the call which will be stored in the Radar tab of the contact record.
  3. Select “Next Action:” to open an area to add a single activity to the calendar for this contact.  
    The Default setting is OFF.
  4. Select “Start Workflow” to assign a contact workflow.
    The Default setting is OFF.



Wrap it up - Example

The following screen shows an example of what happens once the “Save” button pressed.

  1. The call was successful, so update the “Last Call Date” with the current date.
  2. A multi-line note will be added to the contact’s radar tab.
  3. Create a Call activity in Jake Stepp's calendar with the title of “Call Beth To Schedule Showings” on June 8th 2020.
  4. Additionally starting the “Open House Follow up” workflow. 










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