Help Center

102: Commissions and Volume Requirements


This video is for the users reporting inaccurate calculations in the Commissions and Volume widgets on the dashboard.  It will describe the requirements to correct the problem which may be related to the contact record in the database that you are using in the People tab of the transaction screen.

UPDATE: The Commission amount alone is not necessarily what is added to the Widgets. Rather it is the Commission amount minus the List Side or Buy Side Referral and/or the Brokerage Fee.

A text recap of the conditions necessary for the commissions to display are as follows:

  • In order for commissions to display properly the following conditions must be met:
  • It must be a Transaction with status of closed
  • The agent must be listed as the Buyer’s or Seller’s agent in the People Tab
  • The agent identified must be the “Linked Contact” in Settings, Users and Permissions
  • The numbers should display in 5 minutes or less but can take a little longer sometimes
  • The commission shown is the Gross Commission, less any buy or sell side referrals and brokerage fee
  • Transaction must be closed this year.
  • “Transaction Type” in Transaction Tab and Commission Tab must have same Buying/Selling side as Commission.
  • You can only see the stats for the person who is logged in.

Significant additions are in the works for both the kinds of information that can be displayed and who can see it, as well as a revamping of the Commission Tab itself.


Take a look at this article for more details on the Dashboard Widgets!

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    Benjamin de Bie
    Edited by Benjamin de Bie
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