Apple Contacts can be exported but only to a VCF file. The VCF file is NOT the same as a CSV file and must be converted. Follow the steps below to export the VCF file and convert it to CSV.
- Launch your Apple Contacts
- Select ALL Contacts using Command + A
- Enter the name and location of the export file. “A to Z.vcf”
- Use a VCF to CSV conversion tool like
- Click on [Choose File]
- Select the exported file “A to Z.vcf” from the location that was assigned.
- Verify that “CSV” is selected
- Click on [Convert Now!]
- Click on the OUTPUT FILE url to download the CSV file and input into Realvolve
Go into Realvolve to import the file
- Settings > Import Contacts
- Click on [Choose File]
- Select the converted CSV file from step 10 above
- Click on [Upload]
- Choose existing mappings: #Apple Contact (VCF to CSV)(Shared)
- Verify all the selected mappings and add TAGS if needed
- Click on [Import] button at the bottom of the screen.
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