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101: Adding MLS Board Names to Realvolve


This step-by-step instruction will show how to add the MLS Board name(s) that you represent to the Realvolve System. Please be aware that this is only information gathering. We do not yet import MLS information. 

1. Go to the Settings on the top right of the Realvolve website.

2. Navigate to the Boards on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Select a preassigned specific master board

3.5. Or create your own by filling in your State, Acronym, Board Name, and the Area it serves.

4. Click the blue "Save" button

5. This will add your board to the saved boards, add as many boards that you represent for your area.

6. Success

We do have an IDX interface with IDX Broker that allows you to auto-populate listing information for your listings. It is only for those who already have an account and an API key with the company called IDX Broker. It was implemented for our users who already had it and asked for it. We will be adding other IDX solutions eventually, from the biggest to the smallest. It is too costly for most if you don't already have it. It's a $99 setup and $39/mo. for IDX Broker.

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    Kolin Better

    I have to say, this is probably the biggest issue I've run into so far as it pertains to transitioning from TP to Realvolve. It makes it really hard to build a transaction when the property and listing data can't be fetched from the MLS.

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    Josh Espinosa

    I may be missing something here. WIth TP i was able to transfer properties on the fly into the platform at no extra cost. Is this not available with Realvolve?

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