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How do I change my notification preferences?

To change the way you are notified about your leads, you will need to go to your Settings which can be found by clicking on your avatar or initials in the upper right corner. From there, click on Notification Preferences on the left side and then on General.Go to Settings, Notification Preferences, and open up General

You will then be able to select which alerts you would like to be notified for, either by email, text, or in-system notifications. If you are unable to select text notifications, you will first want to add your phone number to the Email & Phone section and refresh the page. Be sure to save your changes.
1) A lead is assigned to you, 2) A task is assigned to you, 3) A lead sends you an email, 4) A lead favorites a property, 5) You are mentioned by another user, 6) Mojo export completes, 7) A lead sends you a text, 8) You miss a call from a lead, 9) A lead inquires about selling a property, 10) A lead shares a property via email, 11) A lead changes their contact information, 12) A lead inquires about a property for sale, or requests a home valuation, 13) A lead changes their subscription preferences, 14) Automated Assistant determines a lead needs follow-up, 15) Automated Assistant determines a lead is interested

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