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How do I create a lender in Firepoint?

Congratulations on adding a lender to your Firepoint account! We are excited to see your business grow.

In order to create a new lender, you will first need to create the lender's office in the system. This article goes over how to do that: How do I create a lender's office in Firepoint?

Once you have the lender's office in place, it is time to set up your lender's user seat. Follow along with the step-by-step instructions below to learn how to do this.

Step 1: Start by going to your Office Settings which is found in your navigation panel.
Office Settings 1.png

Step 2: From there, choose Lending Partnerships.
Lending partnership 2.png

Step 3: Find the lending company that the lender works for, and click on the three dots to the right of the name.
Step 4: Select Add Loan Officer.
add lender.png

Step 5: Enter the loan officer's first and last name.
Step 6: The Title is what will show up on the Our Agents page under the loan officer's picture on your website. You do not have to add them to your Our Agents page unless you want to. They will have their own page that will have their information on it called Financing.
Step 7: Choose whether you would like the user to have admin access.
Step 8: Enter the personal/work email address that you want the Firepoint emails forwarded to. Please note, if the lender is already on a different Firepoint account, they will need to use a different email address for the second Firepoint account.
Step 9: The Job Title will show up on the Financing page under the loan officer's name.
new lender 5.png

Step 10: Enter the NMLS # for the loan officer.
Step 11: Enter the LMB # for the loan officer.
Step 12: This is the Firepoint email address that leads will email. The email will then be forwarded onto your personal/work email where you can reply. The reply will be entered into Firepoint. Please note that the email needs to first be created in Firepoint in order for it to log onto the lead's profile page. We recommend using the loan officer's first name.
Step 13: Enter your primary phone number.
Step 14: If you have Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, you can add your links to each of the designated spots. This will show up on the loan officer's individual page.
new lender 10.png

Step 15: You can add a personal biography that will appear on the Financing page under the loan officer's information.
Step 16: Choose whether you would like your physical address included in the emails you send out. This automatically happens with any mass email you send out to help with deliverability.
Step 17: Select an image you would like to use for your avatar. This will show up on the Financing page on your website.
Step 18: We recommend using the loan officer's first name for the lead capture link.

  • If you are using our Firepoint For Ylopo platform, this will not be an option.

Step 19: To save the new lender, click on Add Account. The new lender will receive an email with a link to activate their account.
new lender 15.png

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