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How do I send a mass email?

To learn how to send a mass email, follow along with the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Start by going to your Leads page or the Company Leads page if you have admin access.
Leads Company Leads.png

Step 2: Click on the filter icon in the upper right corner.
lead filter.png

Step 3: Use any of the filters you need to narrow down your list. It is important to use the Primary Email Verification Status filter so that you are sending the mass email to valid emails.
mass email 3.png

Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the filter screen and click on Apply.
mass email 4.png

Step 5: Now that you have your list, scroll to the bottom and click on Select All X On This Page or Select All X In This List.
mass email 5.png

Step 6: Click on Select an action.
Step 7: Choose Mass Email from the list. This opens up the screen where you can compose a mass email.
mass email 6.png

Step 8: If you would like to choose from an already existing email template, use the clipboard.
Step 9: Add a subject to your mass email. This will be seen by your leads.
Step 10: You have multiple options to edit the email according to what you are needing.
Step 11: This section has multiple tools you can use such as using HTML code with the code view (<><></>). You can also insert links, images, properties, merge tags (such as the client's first name), or BombBomb videos if you have a BombBomb subscription.
Step 12: Add your content to the body of the email.
Step 13: Insert any attachments you want to send along with the mass email. The size limit for attachments is 10MB.
Step 14: Click on SEND to send out the mass email to the leads you selected.mass email 8.png</>

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