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Where do I enter my closings?

Entering your closings into Firepoint is an important step in tracking your company's income. When you add a closing, it automatically goes into your Reports page so you can see what leads sources are bringing in value. To get your closing in place so you can track them on Reports, follow along with the step-by-step instructions below. 

Step 1: Start by finding your lead using the search bar at the top of any page. Click on their name to go to their profile page.Searching lead.png

Step 2: Click on Opportunities + Closings on the left side. 
Step 3: Select the CLOSED tab at the top of the page. 
Step 4: Click on the plus icon to add a new closing.closing.png

Step 5: Select which Type of lead this is. You can choose from Buyer or Seller
Step 6: Select what lead source the lead came from.
Step 7: Choose the agent that the closing was with. If the agent is not an active Firepoint user, you can click on + Inactive Agent to add them. It will ask for their name and then they will show up in the bottom section of the Primary Agent drop-down menu once created.
Step 8: Add the street address of the listing that was either bought or sold, and then add the following address information.  

  • Add a second street address if needed
  • Add the city
  • Select the state
  • Add the postal code (zip code)

Step 9: Select the date of the closing. This is an important step since it will tie into the reporting timeframes. 
Step 10: Enter the total sold price.
Step 11: Enter the Gross Commissions Income (GCI). This is the total income that you received from the sale.
Step 12: Enter the Company Dollar which is the amount of money your company kept after all the splits for agents, vendors, etc.
Step 13: If you have any additional notes about the closing, you can add it here. 
Step 14: Be sure to click on SAVE to save your work. closing criteria.png

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