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How do I link another page to my website?

To link another page to your website, go over to your IDX Site Management which can be found under Office Settings in your navigation panel. In order to access IDX Site Management, you will need to have admin access.

Follow the directions below to set up your new link that will show on in the navigation menu of your website.

  1. Click on New Link to start the process of adding one to your website.
  2. This will be the title that will appear on the navigation menu of your website.
  3. To connect the page to another page, insert the destination link here.
    • You have the option to add a telephone number using this feature. If someone clicks on the telephone number, it will automatically call the number.
  4. Choose whether you would like the link to open a new tab on your browser or if you would like it to redirect the tab you are on to the new page.
  5. Once you have everything ready, click on the save icon, publish/unpublish the link, or delete the link.

new linked page.png

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